Location: 41, 80
A series of tunnels below the forest ... the land here is colder than it should be.
Level Range: 556 - 573

Level: 569 Respawn Time: 25minutes
Darkroot`s Trophy 100%
Darkroot Symbol 20%
Darkroot Totem 7%
Bloodroot 10%
Snakeroot 15%

Level: 559 Respawn Time: 25minutes
Bloodroot`s Trophy 100%
tainted root 10%
Bloodroot 40%

Name Details
Collect a Snakeroot Dragor Denarius 23, 13
Collect a Snakeroot Greabeth 31, 59
Collect a Snakeroot Varrel Orea 81, 71
Collect a Bloodroot Varelia Woundmender 31, 59